Building Trust in Crisis Response Efforts

Having a list of trusted and reliable organizations is a challenging task, and we’re working on approaching this in a way that is fast, inclusive, transparent, and ongoing. This is also an extended and multi-party effort that ideally would include the participation of funders, implementing organizations, and independent monitoring efforts, all in an efficient and transparent way.

As much as possible we will include links to reliable sources. If you have any questions or suggestions on this, or want to collaborate in some way, please fill out the volunteer form or contact us: crisisresponse {at}, or via whatsapp (+961-3-138-770).

Public Funding Opportunities and Bidding Processes

Whenever possible, all funding opportunities should be publicly available, preferably on a centralized website. This applies to both direct donor efforts, and sub-grant efforts. Selection criteria should be clear, and the results of selection efforts should also be public.

Our Draft Organization Vetting Process

We are currently developing a vetting and feedback process with these basic steps:

1) Organization information is submitted by anyone online, and gets quickly checked by a volunteer to make sure that it is appropriate for this site.

2) We will soon invite the general public to crowdsource feedback on organizational reputation

3) We allow organizations to highlight which funders they have previously worked with. Funding by reputable donors shows they were vetted by those groups in order to receive that funding. (That will be a two-step process: First, including mention by the organizations, and then confirmation by our volunteers, plus from public information about projects with groups like UN agencies, the EU, foundations, embassies, etc).

4) Confirmation from reputable donors that previously funded projects were successfully completed (should be directly from those donors, or through a published project report)

5) Confirmation through a formal vetting process such as through 3QA, the AUB NGOi initiative, LHDF (Lebanon Humanitarian and Development Forum), or similar effort.

Progress Reporting

We would like to implement a basic system for progress reporting and financial reporting across efforts, or align with an existing one if another group is working on that.

We’ll work through those incrementally and in an ongoing way.

Again, if you have any questions or suggestions on this, or want to collaborate in some way, please fill out the volunteer form or contact us: crisisresponse {at}, or via whatsapp (+961-3-138-770).

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