
These are the different coalitions that we know about. We will add additional information on them as we have available. If you are the lead contact for any of these coalitions or clusters, you can create or update your profile like with other organizations.

Grassroots and Local Coalitions

  • Basecamp (Mar Mikhail Train Station)
  • Beirut Relief Coalition
  • Beirut Relief Fund
  • Lebanese University Task Force (LUTF)
  • Lebanon Data Response Coalition (LDRC) (this site)
  • Lebanon Humanitarian and Development Forum (LHDF)
  • Lebanon Humanitarian INGO Forum (LHIF)
  • Together Network
  • Uniting Lebanon Coalition
  • Small Business Mapping (Al-Majmoua, Mercy Corps, and 10 other INGOs)
  • Restaurant and Bar Owners Damage Assessment

Official UN-OCHA and UNHCR Inter-Sectoral Clusters:

  • InterAgency “Basic Assistance” Cluster
  • InterAgency “Child Protection” Cluster
  • InterAgency “Education” Cluster
  • InterAgency “Energy” Cluster
  • InterAgency “Food Security” Cluster
  • InterAgency “Health” Cluster
  • InterAgency “Livelihoods” Cluster
  • InterAgency “Protection” Cluster
  • InterAgency “SGBV” Cluster
  • InterAgency “Shelter” Cluster
  • InterAgency “Social Stability” Cluster
  • InterAgency “Water” Cluster

Lebanese Government Initiatives

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